
Join the

Great Salt Lake Yacht Club

Consider joining and or volunteering! The water levels are coming up and there is great interest in restarting activities.


As a member of the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club, you will receive:



Every member receives a membership card and is entitled to one vote in the election of directors and trustees.


In addition to other community events and activities, membership allows you to participate in our annual club organized racing events.


Limited reciprocity, potentially offering you the privilege of accessing and enjoying the amenities at various other yacht clubs around the globe.



New Members (First Year Dues; Includes Initial Stock Fees)


Membership Renewal


1 Year Inactive (Retain Membership Status)


Absentee Membership (Active Members Away from Club for Season)


Young Adult (18-25) New Membership


Young Adult (18-25) Membership Renewal


Junior Members (<18 and Don't Qualify as Family)




After you complete the form, you will be contacted to complete payment. Your application or renewal will not be processed until payment has been received.

    Would you like to request an additional membership card for your spouse/partner?

    Do you plan on racing?

    By submitting this form, I hereby acknowledge and agree that yachting is an inherently dangerous sport. I take full responsibility for the decision to cruise, race or participate in any club function, and for knowledge of the prevailing weather and water conditions and the capabilities of my yacht and its crew. I hereby waive any claims against the Great Salt Yacht Club and its officers and directors, and the State of Utah, its agencies and employees, for injury to any person or property which may result from my yacht's participation in any event sponsored by the Great Salt Lake Yacht Club and hold its officers and directors, along with the State of Utah, its agencies and employees, harmless against such claims and to defend all such claims at my own expense.


    If you prefer mailing your payment, please print and complete the application here then send your payment in with the form. Address to: GSLYC Membership, PO Box 26201 SLC, UT 84126-0201


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