Code Flags



With their meanings and phonetic names.
  • Alphabet
  • Two-Flag Signals
  • Three-Flag Signals

A – Alpha

I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.

B – Bravo

I am taking in, or discharging, or carrying dangerous goods.

C – Charlie

Yes (affirmative).

D – Delta

Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty.

E – Echo

I am altering my course to starboard.

F – Foxtrot

I am disabled; communicate with me.

G – Golf

I require a pilot. When made by fishing vessels in close proximity on the fishing grounds it means: “I am hauling nets.”

H – Hotel

I have a pilot on board.

I – India

I am altering my course to port.

J – Juliet

I am on fire and have dangerous cargo on board, stay clear.

K – Kilo

I wish to communicate with you.

L – Lima

You should stop your vessel immediately.

M – Mike

My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water.

N – November

No (negative).

O – Oscar

Man overboard.

P – Papa

In harbor,—all persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea. At sea,—May be used by fishermen to mean: “My nets have come fast on an obstruction.” It may also be used as a sound to mean: “I require a pilot.”

Q – Quebec

My vessel is healthy and I request free practique (clearance).

R – Romeo

S – Sierra

I am operating astern propulsion.

T – Tango

Keep clear of me; I am engaged in pair trawling.

U – Uniform

You are running into danger.

V – Victor

I require assistance.

W – Whiskey

I require medical assistance.

X – Xray

Stop carrying out your intentions and watch for my signals.

Y – Yankee

I am dragging my anchor.

Z – Zulu

I require a tug.

AC – I am abandoning my vessel.

PP – Keep well clear of me.

AN – I need a doctor.

QD – I am going ahead.

BR – I require a helicopter.

QT – You should not anchor. You are going to foul my anchor.

CD – I require assistance in the nature of…

QT – You should not anchor. You are going to foul my anchor.

DV – I am drifting.

QU – Anchoring is prohibited.

EF – SOS/MAYDAY has been canceled.

QX – I request permission to anchor.

FA – Will you give me my position?

RU – Keep clear of me; I am maneuvering with difficulty.

GW – Man overboard. Please take action to pick him up.

SO – You should stop your vessel instantly.

JL – You are running the risk of going aground.

UM – The harbor is closed to traffic.

NC – I am in distress

UP – Permission to enter harbor is urgently requested. I have an emergency.

LO – I am not in my correct position; used by a light vessel.

YU – I am going to communicate with your station by means of the International Code of Signals.

NC – I am in distress and require immediate assistance.

ZL – Your signal has been received but not understood.

PD – Your navigation lights are not visible.

ZD1 – Please report me to the Coast Guard, New York

ZD2 – Please report me to Lloyds, London.

One pennant means a small craft warning with winds to up to 38 mph

One flag means storm or whole gale warning, with winds from 55 to 73 mph.

Two pennants is a gale warning with winds from 39 to 54 mph.

Two flags indicate a hurricane warning with winds 74 mph. and higher.